Thursday, August 26, 2010

Translating Idioms

It was just not long ago when I needed to translate quite an idiomatic text from Russian into English. My old friend Multitran is normally helpful in such cases, but it was nice to discover WikIdioms project. I learned about it from the recent issue of Multilingual magazine (fortunately or not, it was the most interesting post in this issue for me).

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Can I Ever Note?

I was reading a blog post on a localization topic and was going to share some thoughts about it, but Evernote, the utility mentioned in the post, was so attractive that I first decided to check it out. By the way, I must admit that Russian localization of the site is pretty good. The only problem for me was that it is sort of haunting: I wanted the site to appear in English and I switched language wherever I could, but as soon as there was no choice it appeared in Russian again.