Wednesday, June 17, 2009

SDL Trados Studio 2009, too much for 1 GB RAM?

At Localization World Berlin a week ago, I non-intentionally stopped by SDL's booth. I don't really like to make an opinion on a product based on any demonstration, but only on my own experience in trying and testing it.

So, they've been showing there that new appearance and how it works in general (which is to my mind not interesting again because if you've been using translation environments tools for ages, you can easily imagine the basics of any new tool in this category).

When I was briefly beta-testing Trados Studio (and the tool is in fact really nice and convenient), I didn't see any preview. I didn't have time to really try to find access to it, but it was interesting to take a look at how this feature works. So, eventually I asked at the booth if the Studio supports preview and how. The guy certainly started demonstrating. He pressed a few buttons, and the preview started being generated. It took some noticeable time to generate it, and I asked if the computer running this demonstration was slow.

'Yes, it's quite an outdated one', the guy responded, 'It only has 1 GB of RAM'. Working currently with 1 GB of RAM and feeling not bad about it most of the time, I didn't say anything. However, I thought that not many potential users of this tool are likely to have faster computers.

Besides that, the preview works great, it updates every time you confirm a segment (which is in fact what MemoQ's preview has been doing at least for 1 year I've been testing it), and is in general a very good reference for a translator. What may be a bit inconvenient is that it is in a separate window, so you have to switch. But for those who use small screens, it's even a benefit, and I assume there is a way to include it to the single Trados Studio window if you have a larger screen (this is something I have to check though).

But what I'm eager to do now is to check the real speed of the tool running on a real average workstation which most of the translators use.