Monday, June 22, 2009

Vison of a QA tool

It's for about five years I have a vision of an ideal formal translation QA tool - at least for our needs. A tool that would spot errors correctly, determine different languages (which is so easy!) in a multilingual project and not report inconsistent translations when the same phrase is translated into different languages.

It would intelligently detect where a capital letter is required and where it is a false positive to report it etc. It would easily and correctly handle flexing languages when checking terminology. It would automatically not report untranslated segments like "Windows Vista". It would easily open any of numerous bilingual file formats, allow to make changes on the fly and once changed, automatically recheck if the error is in fact corrected. It would provide you with clean and intuitive reports where a click of a button allows to correct all the errors of the same type, make a note for the future that this error is highly possible again and advice on adding it to a checklist. It would accumulate statistics and provide recommendations to translators and QA specialists based on different criteria. It would automatically "pre-correct" errors in new projects based on its experience with previous ones.

To be continued or never published :)

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