Thursday, April 30, 2009

MemoQ 3.5.15 - just some smallish notes

I'm not quite experienced with MemoQ. I used to test it a year ago, but didn't really perform too many jobs in it.

Anyway, after attending MemoQFest and hearing so many words about how great it is (and I did like it when I tested), I decided to eventually seriously test it. I was a kind of disappointed to get MemoQ4Free trial license which is apparently because I have this serial number for more than a year. And I didn't have a chance to contact MemoQ people asking for a more capable trial version. Will do.

So, I decided to test by translating MemoQ help files. But all I could do with this license was to translate onl one file because I could only have one file per project. There was no point to create several single-file projects as they are not allowed tro share a translation memory anyway. So, before I really start testing I'll have to eventually send my thanks and appreciations for the event to Kilgray.

However, I noticed a couple of interesting facts (drawbacks indeed as I always notice drawbacks). They may be of no importance for many users, but are sometimes annoying for me. And I don't know if they can be corrected by setting some options or not, I couldn't find ways to do that in 5 minutes, so I postponed searching.

So, those two facts are:

1. If a segment that is already in your TM is a part of another segment (in my case it was the name of a dialog box: the first segment contained the name itself, and some other segments referred to this name then) it automatically suggests you the translation. This is indeed a ver nice feature, not drawback. What is to my mind a drawback is that if ou select to insert this translation, and if it was included into tags in the segment being transalted, the tags disappear. So, you have to paste them from source text or cope and paste the translation manually.

2. This one also relates to tags. Differnet people have different work habits, and I prefer to have source text copied into the target, then select some number of words and replace them with the translation (just type it instead of the selected text). I select the text using Ctrl-Shift-arrows on the keyboard. And again, if there is a tag in the the text, and if I try to select the text before the tag, it includes the tag into the selection as well. So if I just retype, the tag is deleted. And if I want to preserve the tag, I need to press Shift-Left arrow twice to move to the end of the word preceding the text. This is something that really poisoned my life with MemoQ.

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