Sunday, April 12, 2009

QA functionality in Wordfast

Wordfast version 5.51t3

Supported checks. The amount of checks supported is rather limited, but may be extended using custom macros.
File import. Wordfast determines HTML files by <html> tag at the beginning, but not by the real content, whereas in real life this tag may often be omitted.
Multilingual project support. We failed to make it check terminology against the correct glossary. After checking the Arabic test file, Wordfast continued to apply Arabic glossary to the rest of the languages despite of numerous setup changes, glossary recreation, deletion etc. Even when there was no Arabic glossary existing on the computer, Wordfast still reported Arabic terminology errors. It might have got much better scores if it used correct glossaries.
Right-to-left language support. It doesn’t properly handle right-to-left languages and just like all other tools reports terminology errors in untranslated segments.
Conclusion. As many other plug-in tools, WordFast provides quite a good solution for those who select it as a TM tool and do not want to implement a standalone QA tool.

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