Wednesday, April 8, 2009

QA functionality in Déjà Vu X Workgroup version 7.5.302

It's been almost two years since I researched translation quality assurance tools available on the market. The full research was presented at Translating and the Computer 29 conference in November 2008 and is published at my company Web site. Needless to say, I would like to update the results and find something really new in this area.

So far, just to start with some facts, I'll re-publish short benchmark results from the research. And I'll start alphabetically, so Deja Vu is the first.

Déjà Vu
Supported checks. The number of default checks is rather limited; however, the application supports custom SQL queries which most probably allows for extending the amount of possible checks and further customisation.
Multilingual project support. While checking several files translated into different languages, Déjà Vu applies the TM and glossary for the first language to all files no matter what their target language is.
Right-to-left language support. For Arabic and Farsi it reported terminology errors even where the translated term could be easily found using Find feature.
Reportability. The style of error indication probably fits translators who want to check the translation “on the fly”, but is rather inconvenient for a dedicated quality assurance department.
Conclusion. In general, this is one of few tools declared capabilities of which are close to real ones. The tool is only suitable for checking its native files. Although it supports other most common formats including Trados, SDLX and Star Transit, conversion is quite time-consuming and is not in general worth it.

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