Monday, April 13, 2009

QA functionality in ErrorSpy 4.0

ErrorSpy 4.0, build 001

Supported checks. The total set of supported checks is quite extensive with some specifics listed below. ErrorSpy includes presets for some languages, but they are sometimes incorrect (e.g. incorrect quotation marks for French). It does not support Chinese Traditional as well as right-to-left languages without additional customisation and does not support specifying more than one set of quotation marks in case of nesting. Although it allows to specify decimal and thousand separators to check number formatting, we failed to make it check it. In fact it only reported unmatched figures.
File import. The tool cannot check for skipped segments because it does not import skipped segments at all. This is not convenient if you need to locate any segments that were left untranslated.
False positives. ErrorSpy reported “space required after punctuation mark” errors even if the corresponding checkbox is deselected.
Right-to-left language support. No support by default; however, the tool allows to create new languages. For Arabic, it reports Latin characters to be punctuation marks although they were listed as valid characters in language configuration.
Additional observations. English user interface contains translation errors (for example, one of the checkboxes reads: “spaces that require a space before”).
Another drawback is that ErrorSpy sometimes corrupts the first letter of language names.
This tool does not remember the directory it recently worked with. It is quite inconvenient when you work in a non-default directory.
For some reason, more and more interface elements switch to German with each test run. The interface gets back to English after restart.
The tool crashed on each attempt to check Russian. This may be a problem of this particular installation, but may also be a problem of the whole release. It must be noted, however, that version 3 ran smoothly on the same computer.
Conclusion. Although the tool significantly improved compared to its version 3, the first build seems to be quite unstable. However, with such rapid progress, this tool is rather promising.

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