Friday, June 4, 2010

PROMT 9.0 and MT into Russian - a really short notice

I was too late yesterday at GALA's PROMT 9.0 Demo webinar. I only could listen to Alex Yanyshevsky telling about last couple of features he was going to show.

I totally forgot about PROMT since their version 8. I do believe MT into Russian is unreal at the moment - at least if you don't have large high-quality and garbage-free TMs, and who has them? So, I use MT to get the basic idea of texts in other languages that I cannot understand. And I never translate into Russian, but into English.

Yesterday I could see a couple of examples of PROMT to translate the same text into Russian and into Portuguese. I'm not good at Portuguese, but the example was simple enough, so I could easily see that Portuguese translation at least makes sense. It really provided the basic idea of the source. Needless to guess: Russian did not. And "PROMT is a Russian company" - that's something customers say when they plan to use PROMT to do MT into Russian. Despite that, its out-of-the-box quality seem to not change compared to version 8.0, and is pretty much the same as Google's. Then why should I pay for PROMT? (Indeed, what I say is valid only for Russian, I do believe it provides good results for Spanish or French etc.)

I checked PROMT's web site briefly, and what made me interested was that their next version is going to be hybrid. Eagerly awaiting!

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