Wednesday, June 2, 2010

XBench again...

This tool may seem to be my favoite, but that's not true. Unfortunately my favorite tool is not developed yet. But XBench is free and really very helpful in some aspects, so if I find something interesting in it I just cannot help sharing this.

I didn't use it for quite a long time, so ApSIC released build 396 back in February, and I only found this out last week. This build is claimed to load big files much faster and to have more enhancements.

Key findings:

1. It took XBench like 5 to 10 seconds to load my at least 100 MB of TagEditor files. I think it would take something like a minute in previous versions. So it's really much faster now.

2. I did not notice other enhancements - I believe this is because I don't use the involved features.

3. Where XBench is really great for me is at finding little yet important inconsistencies. If you translate similar texts on a daily basis you may just not notice a slight change in a model name or in a list of operation systems etc. and just apply a Trados match without changing it. If you load your files along with your TM to XBench and set both "Inconsistency in Target" and "Inconsistency in Source" checkboxes, it will find what you didn't notice.

4. There is another free utility named XBench which is a benchmarking tool for Macintosh, note this when googling for ApSIC XBench.

More about plug-ins for XBench in the next post.

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